For a LONG time, i have been into a really weird fetish that i feel absolutely guilty for that i want to just get rid of. While at the same time, i am in to MLP: FIM. No not sexually, no not the toys. Just simple fan pics and episodes.
Now, my friend that i have been hanging out with for a while (like, YEARS!), i have told him about both of these weird stuff and he says i should get rid of them. Now, the weird part is, he finds mlp WORSE than my weird sexuel fetish.
Can you believe that? He would rather let me be a FREAK than embrass a childrens cartoon. Now the deal is currently on my situation, is it seems whenever i search up pony related stuff, i am LESS likely to go on e621 or something else that starts with an e.
I feel like i am close to achieving my goal. Usually i check up on pics for my fetish every day. It is so far been a week now since i last looked into it. But what about mlp? Well, my friend can piss off because it helped me get rid of something i hate that i feel terrible for. No more fapping to my weird fetish, I AM DONE WITH THAT!
(If anyone really wants to know what my fetish is, then send me a pm and i will tell you. Just try to be mature about it, ok?)