I use garageband, ableton, FL studio, and massive to make my music. Still have a long ways to go though. If you have any tips on one of these 4 things, don't be afraid to share :) -CK

Age 31, Male


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Joined on 7/12/10

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coleknows's News

Posted by coleknows - September 16th, 2011

Posted by coleknows - September 15th, 2011

Currently, right now i am a senior and i have yet to decide on a senior project. One of my ideas was making my own song with an advanced program (its just a theory, so dont get your hopes up) and interview several people who use ableton, fl, reason, etc. I will be posting them here if i ever do start that is. If you wanna suggest an artist, dont hesitate to tell me in this post.


Posted by coleknows - September 14th, 2011

I am making this mainly for friends at my school who wander in here. I am also doing this for alex and to get away from some of the annoying questions.

1. Who are you?

I am coleknows...but you can call me CK :P
I am currently 17 years old (will be 18 next month), living in Washington, U.S.A.

2. What kind of music do you make?

I aim mainly at trance music. I try to experiment with some drum and bass and occasionally, dubstep. But yes, trance is my forte.

3. How long have you been making music?

I have been dabbling around with music for about 3 years. I still need alot of practice but i still feel like i can move on to a better program (which brings up the most IMPORTANT question.).

4. How come you use garageband than Fl, Ableton, Reason, etc...?

THIS question i get tired of answering so many times. I get asked this alot by friends and some ng users so here is the main reason why.


I can't afford it and my computer probably would not run it. If i had a new computer and plenty of money, i would not hesitate to buy a new program (which one i have yet decided). Please, don't try to convince me to get it NOW though. I remember someone litterally told me to torrent it and i was like T_T you have got to be kidding me.

5. What is with the pony banner/pics?

I am a brony. If you don't like them, i don't mind then. I try to keep showing my "brony" side to a minumum. If there is something bothering you, (banner, profile pic, current newspost, etc.), don't hesitate to ask me to take it down. I am an open brony but im also a respected one. I will not do shit like troll you if you hate it like most others do.

If you don't know what a brony is, go to knowyourmeme.com or search it in google.

6. Why are you not putting your music on (some other music site)?

Newgrounds has always been my home. The users are really nice (most of the time) and offer good advice. The users i respect the most is Asandir, FurryNG, and DJ-Babokon. SCTE3 is also a really nice user too because of his reviews.

And i can't forget Xenomit. Xenomit...ehh, he is hard to explain but he is a ton of fun, i can tell you that.

7. Why are you so inactive?

I have times where i am really inactive or have no inspiration. Currently, im waiting for my chance to get the full version of garageband so i can start making more songs. If anyone was around during this time, i had a whole BUNCH of songs on my audio page. That was because the school somehow ACCIDENTLY updated garageband and gave me all the loops, textures, beats. The reason why i deleted them all, i didn't know what the fuck i was doing. I was making shit songs >.<

But now i have learned how to create better stuff. My remixes are a huge example of that.

8. Where can i contact you?

On here of course and hotmail. My email is,

TheRealColeknows@hotmail.com. My old email recently got hacked (coleknows) and i had to make a new one. Hotmail is apparently not nice with recovering passwords. My facebook was also hacked as well but i will be making a new one soon hopefully. So be patient.


Posted by coleknows - September 11th, 2011

The pony creator was recently updated with new features. It is so awesome and you can even add a cutie mark :3

Here's mine. It is a pony version of one of my old characters made up in 09.

btw, too lazy to put up link.

Enough of these pony irl pics

Posted by coleknows - September 11th, 2011

I found this pink one in my bedroom.

And just when i felt like i had enough, THESE OTHER 2 SHOW UP IN MY LIVING ROOM!

How do i get these things outta here?! It's driving me crazy O:<

Posted by coleknows - September 10th, 2011

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2DH-hI oKyM

I just wish the user who made this song was still around. Why is it that all the really good artists have disappeared after i signed up? :C

The part at 4:14 just takes my breath away. Must...make...pmv with track! Grrrr! I wish i could make pmvs. Everyone keeps using music that they like but nothing that i ever like. Well to be expected i geuss....no one ever respects electronic instrumentals ):


Posted by coleknows - September 9th, 2011

Good news about it: I will finally have decent internet than this slow shit and more music.
Bad new: Its a mac. And i am not a 100% sure i will be able to get the full version of my program with it.

I will inform when i get it with a newspost. Now for this awesome song i came across. I can't believe this was not added to my playlist before.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a93Za9K ZzMA


Posted by coleknows - September 8th, 2011

Now note about this, this one is going to be a crossover of some of my original characters AND it will be a different perspective. There is a very high chance that i WON'T submit it on the internet. This is just for fun and im shit at editing. Now, proceeding to share a part.

Here is a little backround story to the situation. When i mention something about one of my own characters, i will type it like [this].

[Nas], one of the most trusted members of the [DCF] is trying to pursue something that he THINKS exists. Although he has been denied several times that it does not exist (from [Ron]), he has been hunting for the truth. He recently went into conversation with someone claiming that equestria DOES exist and the dimension was made when MLP: FIM was released on the HUB. [Nas], relying on hopes from that person, disobeys [Rons] orders and uses the dimensional teleporter to try and accese this "equestria"...if it exists. Although [Ron] attempts to stop him, he still manages to escape. He is now in a completely new world and he is unsure if this is the place he was looking for.

In the next scene, he is confronted by a creature. Now here is the cliffhanger part or i wouldn't consider it but more like a geussing game.

"The plants still did not answer his question though. After all, he has similar plants like that in the [D dimension]. Plus, life felt very similar around him. He could not feel any weird and unusual creatures around him...wait, what was that? He heard a noise somewhere in the bushes...and it did not sound friendly. He drew his sword ready to strike at whoever was stalking him."

Try to geuss what is about to attack him. Careful, the answer is not as obvious as you think.

Posted by coleknows - September 7th, 2011

Still brony though. I was just having a tough time, that was all. Thanks to all who helped me recover from this. I really appreciated this. As a reward, i will share a piece of a fanfic i have been writing...later :P

Posted by coleknows - September 6th, 2011

Mainly so i can help rebuild myself after my breakdown today.

You have all said kind words rather than letting me fall. Im happy for you guys :3

I will try to keep high spirits. I'll check out the remix wars for a while and maybe hang out here.

I only hang out there when im really bored but this calls for drastic action. I have also been writing some parts of a fanfic i have thinking about for a while. If i get better, i may show you some of it :P