I've been a fan of MLP way before it was cool.
I use garageband, ableton, FL studio, and massive to make my music. Still have a long ways to go though. If you have any tips on one of these 4 things, don't be afraid to share :) -CK
Age 31, Male
Shorecrest high
U.S.A, wash
Joined on 7/12/10
I've been a fan of MLP way before it was cool.
lol, hipster
uh dude...here is a quick fact(2 of them really)...I'm 14 and i'm a Colt.and no it's not a brony/bronie and I can explain that just reply to this post later on AFTER you read this.
Fact.1:Over 70% of the fan's of MLP:FM are male's.
Fact.2:About 50% of those male fan's are OLDER then me. Oh and another fact...
Fact.3:About 30% of the one's older then me are 16+.
and i couldn't stand old MLP because the animation was terrible,was designed for like 5 and 6 year old's,the acting wasn't good and nothing else is good about it...and i agree they were alittle ugly...AND ON THE ORIGINAL MLP PRINCESS CELESTIA WAS A LITTLE FILLY ON THERE MEANWHILE SHE IS OVER 1K YEAR'S OLD ON THE NEW MLP.
Can't see the photo...
But it just shows a picture of an older generation pony. My reaction = /: