Someone on youtube recently explained to me how i can get more volume on my tracks. I decided to try it and geuss what? It worked. I tried it with my song =(Laughter)= and it has alot more volume than before.
Small note though, you will note that the voice clips have changed. That is because in my video production class, we are all doing music videos. I asked if i could use one of my own songs and he said yes. I cut the ponies clip out because the video will NOT involve anything MLP related unfortunately.
But if SOMEONE had a dimentional transporter, i could use that to feature them in it XD
Anyway, will be putting it on here in a moment. '
Edit: Here is the song.
Without pinkie: /452713
With pinkie: /452715
We don't celebrate no Nightymare Night in this here house,boy!